Songs of the City
Equity Showcase is pleased to announce the success of Songs Of The City. As part of our mandate to unite artists and contribute to our city, Equity Showcase partnered with Artists United for United Way in this annual celebration. Co-created by Michael James (Creative Director), David Warrack (Musical Director/Composer), and Kevin McCormick (Director), these events have featured true stories shared by past United Way service recipients. Each story was interpreted by an established Canadian songwriter to create a new work of art that was performed for the first time by a leading Canadian singer.
The cast of the performances presented before full houses at the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts and Winter Garden Theater included Mike Ross, Lydia Persaud, Tamara Podemski, Juan Chioran, Jackie Richardson, Cynthia Dale, Molly Johnson, Lorraine Segato, Peter McGillivray, Steven MacKinnon, Dean Burry and Marek Norman, Thom Allison, Counter Measure, Shakura S’Aida, Moonlight Flood, Louise Pitre, Aaron Wilkinson, Joe Sealy, Leslie Arden, Jean Stilwell, Amanda Martinez, John McDermott, and Murray McLauchlan.
“That was a fantastic event last night, very moving and very meaningful. Thank you for creating this opportunity for donors to get such a connection to the personal impact United Way agencies’ support can bring.” From an audience member
Toronto Mayor John Tory attending Songs of the City 2017.