President of the Board - Siavash Kazemian
Executive and Artistic Director - Alan Mohammed
We are one of Canada’s oldest charitable organizations.
Celebrating our 60th Anniversary.
Our mission is to invest in the artistic and cultural wealth of our city by embracing all artists, and lead by developing, uniting, advocating, and empowering the arts community.
Artists Empowering Small Business Entrepreneurs
As part of the process of implementing our, "Artists Empowering Small Business Entrepreneurs", we have reached out to a variety of unique small businesses in Toronto; from cafes, tea rooms, restaurants, book stores, unique boutiques, galleries and more. We are excited about building a variety of relationships that will position us to further advance our objectives through the Art Club and Artists Hub.
Equity Showcase Cayle Chernin Award
The Equity Showcase Cayle Award is dedicated to supporting the creation, development or production of a new work by female, female-presenting or gender non-conforming artists of any age for creation in Media or Theatre Arts. Specifically, the award is for an artist exploring a new discipline in media or theatre arts, for example, Actor to Director, Director to Writer, Writer to Producer etc.
Created in 2012, The Cayle Awards is one of the largest awards in Ontario to empower artists in Media and Theatre Arts.
Songs of the City
Equity Showcase is pleased to announce the success of Songs Of The City. As part of our mandate to unite artists and contribute to our city, Equity Showcase partnered with Artists United for United Way in this annual celebration. Co-created by Michael James (Creative Director), David Warrack (Musical Director/Composer), and Kevin McCormick (Director), these events have featured true stories shared by past United Way service recipients. Each story was interpreted by an established Canadian song writer to create a new work of art which was performed for the first time by a leading Canadian singer.
Equity Showcase launches Thank an Artist Campaign #ThankAnArtist
Artists empower, inspire, transform and help us see and understand not only each other, but also the world around us. We can’t imagine a world without them and we don’t want to! We want to thank them. All of them. You can help!
It’s easy. Tweet a link, a story, a photo, a song, anything artistic and thank that artist by name. Share #ThankAnArtist
Make a donation.
Equity Showcase is a charitable arts organization and is very grateful for any donations. Charitable tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more.

Equity Showcase over the last 60 years has worked with thousands of Artists.
We would like to thank them all.
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